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Wet flies

The wet flies are designed to sink just below the surface and imitate the hatching fly. The most popular wets include March Brown, Red Tag and  Black Zulu. Wet Fly Fishing is most effective during intense hatches for trout and greyling. One of the best wet flies for spring and summer trout on Dunajec river is a fly called 'mucha sudecka'. If you have any trouble with selecting wets please contact us!

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Wet Fly M33
6.00 z
on stock
Bibio Wet Fly 30
6.00 z
on stock
Black Zull Wet Fly M16
6.00 z
on stock
Coachman Wet Fly M10
6.00 z
on stock
Green Bibio Wet Fly M32
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly II M15
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly IV M34
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly M11
6.00 z
on stock
Mokra Mucha M35
6.50 z
on stock
Orange Bibio Wet Fly M31
6.00 z
on stock
Red Tag Wet Fly M17
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly V M29
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly VI M27
6.50 z
on stock
Wet Fly VII M28
6.50 z
on stock
Mokra mucha XII M18
6.00 z
on stock
Mokra mucha XIII M14
6.00 z
on stock
Wet Fly Alexandra M21
out of stock
Green Peter Wet Fly M6
out of stock
Wet Fly IX M25
out of stock
M.B. Olive Wet Fly M8
out of stock
The Butcher Wet Fly M1
out of stock
Wet Fly VIII M26
out of stock
(4.5/5), głosów: 19
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