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Fishing with artificial flies in spring

Antoni Bogdan
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Spring is a wonderful time for fly fishermen because after winter, the fish are hungry and active. Fishing with artificial flies in the spring is a great experience, but it requires certain skills and equipment. In this article, we will discuss not only the best ways to fish with artificial flies in the spring, but also how to choose the right equipment to achieve success.

The first thing to consider when fishing with artificial flies in the spring is the type of fish you want to catch. In the spring, these fish mainly feed on insect larvae, as well as tadpoles and other aquatic organisms. Therefore, when choosing an artificial fly, you should consider what is on their menu at that time.

Spring is the time when fish begin to actively feed, but these are usually short periods.

Preparation and selection of equipment

The first important issue is the selection of equipment. When fishing with artificial flies, you need to have a good sense and control of the rod to precisely control the bait. It is best to use a rod ranging from short length, around 2.7 meters to 3.6 meters, and a spinning reel with a smooth brake, which allows for smooth and controlled hauling of the fish.

Proper equipment preparation is crucial in fly fishing. In the spring, depending on the weather and water conditions, the right equipment should be chosen. The length and class of the rod should be adapted to the method we want to use and the conditions we are in. The selection of fishing lines will also depend on the fishing method and current conditions. When the water is raised and snow-covered, we can use a thicker line.

Fishing techniques

When we have the right equipment, it's time to choose the right fly. At the beginning, you can try imitations of larvae or nymphs, which are very effective in the spring. When choosing a fly, pay attention to its color, shape, and size, which will correspond to the size of the fish in a given area.

In the spring, fish are not yet fully active, which means that you should focus on calm fishing techniques. We recommend using the dry fly technique, which involves presenting dry flies on the surface of the water to resemble natural insects.

Another technique that works well at the beginning of the spring season is nymph fishing. It involves leading the bait in the lower parts of the current where fish feed. This allows you to catch fish that are not yet interested in bait presented on the surface of the water.

In the spring, it is best to look for fish in deeper and calmer sections of rivers because the fish are still in weak condition after winter. In the spring, insects are also particularly noteworthy. This is when the first dragonflies, mayflies, and stoneflies often appear, which are a natural food for fish. Therefore, it is worth considering the choice of an artificial fly that most closely resembles insects.

Let's not forget that in the spring, the water is often a bit murky after the thaw, so it is worth using larger flies that will be more visible to fish. You can also try fishing with brightly colored flies that will attract the attention of fish.


In summary, fly fishing for fish in the spring is a wonderful adventure that requires some knowledge and experience. It's worth paying attention to the places where fish search for food, selecting artificial flies that match the prevailing conditions, and remembering that at the beginning of the season, fish can be quite picky. However, over time, fly fishing will become easier, and every successful catch will bring even greater joy.

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